I really hate speaking ill of a clothing company that I absolutely love, but the shoulders on this thing are absolutely a dealbreaker. I got myself a 2XL. I have been ordering 2XL shirts and I got the 2XL Play Cool overalls, and those all fit great. But this jacket, while it can contain my gelatinous stomach/abdomen, it fits poorly on my shoulders. Maybe they are positioned too low? I am not sure. I am not a clothes nerd so I can't quite articulate this well. But when I lift my arms, the whole jacket sorta raises up. This problem is very pronounced when I try this movement with the buttons fastened. Suffice to say this is too great of an issue for me to say fuck it and wear it anyway. The mobility is just not there. It's like I'm wearing that stupid shoulder/chest armor thing Darth Vader has. You know how he can't move his arms up above his shoulder height? That's how this jacket is. And I am absolutely devastated by that because the design is impeccable. It's so cool, pardon the pun. The material is great too. So it's such a shame that my jacket is basically a glorified wall decoration.